C/ Músic Vivaldi, 12
25003 Lleida
Phone. (+34) 973 281 457


La Companyia de Comediants La Baldufa was created in Lleida in 1996. The main aims of the company are, firstly, to offer shows of high artistic quality. Secondly, our endeavour to create shows that are multidisciplinary using the utmost in theatrical resources. Thirdly our wish to offer shows that are suitable for all audiences but mainly for children. Finally our aim to create shows that are ideologically committed to the values of solidarity, tolerance and respect.
The company has performed in many theatres and festivals, both in Catalonia and Spain, for example: Teatre Nacional de Catalunya, Gran Teatre del Liceu in Barcelone, Teatralia in Madrid, Festival Internacional de Teatro in Getafe, Festival Internacional de Pallassos Charlie Rivel in Cornellà, Fira de titelles in Lleida, Mostra Internacional de Titelles in Vall d’Albaida, Mostra de Teatre Reclam in Castelló, Fiestas del Pilar in Saragossa, Festa de La Mercè in Barcelona, among others.
La Baldufa has also performed in many European festivals in France, Italy, Germany, United Kingdom, Portugal, Belgium, Hungary, The Netherlands, Austria, Denmark, Poland and Finland. Out of Europe we have played in Mexico and China.
Nowadays and since 2008 La Baldufa organizes the Festival Esbaiola’t in the Valls d’Àneu, a family theatre festival in the Catalan Pyrenees.
La Baldufa is associated with CIATRE and TTP.


WILLIAM TELL. Family Opera with Gran Teatre del Liceu, 2012
THE HAPPY PRINCE. Multidisciplinary theatre, 2011
CIRQUE DÉJÀ VU. Puppet show and theatre, 2009
DRAGO. Itinerant street format, 2008
NAUTILUS. Installation, ecological merry-go-round, 2008
THE IMAGINARY BOOK. Multidisciplinary theatre, 2006
EL CIRC DELS NINOTS. Puppet show and theatre, 2006
ZEPPELIN. Itinerant street performance, 2004
MIX UP AT THE FARM. Puppet show, 2004
CATACRACK. Humour, adult, 2001
BARON MUNCHAUSEN. Puppet show and multidisciplinary theatre, 1999
EL CATITAU DELS CARALLOTS. Itinerant street performance, 1997