For the company Divinas, an October with many miles to be travelled is ahead and with two shows of their repertoire to be represented: Chocolat! and Paradís.
On the 3rd of October (21 hours) they will travel to Maó to represent Paradís, it’s latest show in the main theatre; on the 7th of October (18 hours) they will pass through Manresa where they will install their Paradís at Kursaal.
On the 12th of October (19 hours), they will change scene recuperating their second show, Chocolat! at Fraga, where the festivities of La Pilar are celebrated. On the 16th of October (19 hours) they will travel to Algemesí to bring Paradís to the Municipal theatre and they will finish the month on the 24th of October at Piedarasblancas, where they will represent Paradís at Valey Centro Cultural.
All of this without forgetting that on November they will do a premier of a new concert which they are preparing from their new show Hystericals for the beginning of the coming year.