Egos Teatre will end the season of its latest creation, Baby Boom! El musical del destape, at the Gaudí Theater in Barcelona, on April 2. To purchase tickets, check this link.
The company also continues on tour, during the month of April, of Tot esperant en Will. The Spanish version of the play will be performed in these two venues in the Community of Madrid: on the 16th, at the Villa de Móstoles Theater, in Móstoles; and on the 22nd, at the Jaime Salom Theater in Parla. In addition, the show can be seen, in school programming, on the 25th, 26th, 27th and 28th, within the Festival Mil Maneres in Alcoletge (Lleida).
You can see the clip of this work, made within the CIATRE’s Scenic Territory project, at this link.