Contact person: Miquel Agell
Carrer d’Olzinelles, 3
08014 Barcelona
Phone: 00 34 93 296 73 37
Lazzigags Produccions is a theatrical cooperative created by Lídia Linuesa and Agell Miquel in 1999 with two main activities: the production of theatrical pieces for the adult and family public and theatre education in schools.
Currently, the project of drama classes in schools (Lazzigags Theatre Group) arrive at 19 primary and secondary schools in Barcelona and the region, where about 900 students have enrolled. Obviously the goal of the company’s members as trainers is not so much to create new players for tomorrow, such as to the public that values and requires a minimum quality and dignity in the theatrical product they will see. These quality levels aren’t always present in the actual theater for children or, put another way, family theatre.
The place of Lazzigags Productions in the Catalan theater space has been consolidated and has allowed them to be present in other creative fields. Another line of production that they had carried out was been delegated productions. In this sense we can say that the rest of productions that they have been addressed have been able to assume as their own, because it formed part fully in the educational objectives or dissemination of forms of theater for young people.
LES HISTÒRIES NATURALS. Musical show, 2020.
TERCETS. Theater show, 2019.
SIHIR I LA NIT DE REIS. Musical show, 2018.
LA BERTA I EL SEU ROBOT. Children’s theatrical performance, 2015.
ON VAS, HOLIS JAY? Comedy, 2015.
TOM SAWYER DETECTIU. Musical show, 2014.
LE LLAMAN COPLA. Theatrical concert, 2013.
EL PROJECTE DELS BOJOS. Theatrical performance, 2011.
REACCIÓ. Theatrical performance, 2010.
SOL SOTA EL SOL. Theatrical performance, 2009.
SITCOM. Comedy, 2009.
EL PARANY DE MEDUSA. Comedy, 2008.
OJOS VERDES. Musical show, 2007.
I LES NOIES VESTIDES DE DIUMENGE. Theatrical performance, 2007.
SHERLOCK HOLMES I EL CLUB DELS PÈL-ROJOS. Theatrical performance, 2007.
PIPPI LANGSTRUMP. Musical show, 2005.
ACTES INDECENTS. Theatrical performance, 2004.
L’ORQUESTRA VA DE FESTA. Symphony orchestra, 2004.
LA MORT, UNA COMÈDIA DE WOODY ALLEN. Theatrical performance, 2003.
AQUELLS BLAUS TURONS. Theatrical performance, 2003.
SUPERTOT. Children’s musical show, 1999.