Sarruga Produccions will present at the Festival Santiago a Mil in Chile, his new creation, Arktika. The show can be seen during the month of January, at 21:00 hours, in these municipalities and dates: 4, in Huechuraba; 5, in La Calera; 6, in Peñalolén; 8, in El Prado; 9, in La Cisterna; 10, in Melipilla; 12, at the Estación Central; 13 in La Granja; 15, Puente Alto; 16, in San Felipe; 17, in Lo Espejo; 19, in Quilicura; 20, in San Joaquin; 21, in Independence; 23, in Rancagua; and 24, in Talca. This show has been made in co-production with the Festival Santiago a Mil.
Sarruga Produccions in Chile
By admin|2015-12-29T09:01:00+02:00December 29th, 2015|General @en|Comments Off on Sarruga Produccions in Chile