Joglars is preparing a new show called ¡Que salga Aristófanes! which will premiere on December 17, at the Palacio Valdés Theater in Avilés (Asturias). The new production is part of the celebration of the company’s 60th birthday (in 1962 the first Joglars show was released). The work is a tribute to the figure of Aristophanes, creator of the genre of satire and comedy, which are, at the same time, the genres that the company has represented during its years of history. Until the premiere of the new show, the artistic and technical team is isolated in the emblematic space for rehearsal and creation, La Cúpula, located in Pruit (Barcelona), preparing the new work.
By ciatre|2021-09-30T08:06:05+02:00September 4th, 2021|General @en|Comments Off on JOGLARS PREPARES NEW SHOW