T de Teatre premieres the new show created by the company, La dona fantasma, a comedy that can be seen at the Teatre Romea in Barcelona from September 29 to November 26. Carme Pla, Mamen Duch, Marta Pérez and Àgata Roca put themselves in the shoes of four teachers from the late seventies to review the function of fiction, and propose a return to childhood, to first love and to the moment in which everything was possible. The Argentine author and director, Mariano Tenconi, writes and directs this production created especially for the company, which marks the first premiere of one of his works in Spain. Sergi Belbel has been in charge of the translation into Catalan.
By ciatre|2023-09-05T17:52:00+02:00September 5th, 2023|General @en, General @en, portada @en, portada @en|Comments Off on T DE TEATRE PREMIERES ‘LA DONA FANTASMA’