Magatzem d’Ars premieres its latest creation, Hänsel i Gretel, on November 16. The play can be seen at 4.30 p.m. at the Sala Ars Teatre in Barcelona (c/ Jonqueres, 15). In addition, the shows Una castanyada de por will be presented in this space from the 1st to the 3rd of the same month; and Els tres porquets from the 2nd of November.

On the other hand, the Sala Ars Teatre also continues to present different productions from the company’s repertoire: No et vesteixis per sopar by the French author Marc Camoletti; Y no quedará ninguno by the British novelist Agatha Christie; El llibre de la selva, based on the stories of the writer Rudyard Kipling; and La casa de Bernarda Alba by the artist Federico García Lorca.