T de Teatre began 2025 by selling out all the January performances of La mujer fantasma in Madrid. The show can be seen until February 16 in the Sala Francisco Nieva of the Teatro Valle-Inclán of the Centro Dramático Nacional. As a novelty, on February 11 and 12, the performances will be in Catalan, with subtitles in Spanish. Tickets for these two performances have also sold out. Afterwards, the company will continue the tour, started last autumn, through several theatres in the region.

Mariano Tenconi Blanco’s La mujer fantasma revolves around four teachers in the late seventies. They lead an intense and melancholic life, marked by the care of parents and children, by disappointments in love and by the challenges their students cause them. The extraordinary breaks into this overwhelming everyday life: a ghost woman.

All information, as well as links to purchase tickets, can be found on the company’s website.