The show Ninth Symphony, by La Fura dels Baus and directed by Carlus Padrissa, will inaugurate the Capital Americana de la Cultura 2016 in Valdivia, Chile. The assembly that will include the ‘Symphony No. 9’ by Ludwig van Beethoven will be accompanied by the Philharmonic musicians of the Los Rios Region, the Chamber Orchestra of Valdivia and other professional musicians. The piece will have four movements or scenes in an open space in the city, which is expected to have about 50,000 people attend. The movements represent fate, adventure, love and brotherhood, which together involve a display of more than 200 people, including dancers, gymnasts, hearts and technicians. La Fura dels Baus will release a new ‘Furan element’ never seen to date.
In addition, since the American Capital of Culture was launched in 2000, the opening of Valdivia 2016 may be one of the most massive ones in the history of the American Capital of Culture, which clearly indicates that the citizens participation will be one of the key elements of the American Capital of Culture 2016 Valdivia.