La petita malumaluga will be present at various fairs and festivals with some of her repertoire shows.
At the international level, it will offer the show 30 elephants under the umbrella, within the Enestående Festival, in the Danish towns of Aarhus and Randers, respectively. The first performance will take place, on the 6th, at the Teatret Gruppe 38; and on the 7th, at the Randers Teater. In addition, on the 21st, 22nd and 23rd, the company will offer Beatles for babies (a tribute concert to The Beatles) at the Mierscher Kulturhaus in Mersch (Luxembourg).
At the state level, it will be in two important events with The moon in a pot (a misunderstood show): on the 7th, the show can be seen at the Circo Theater in Albacete, within the XXV Feria de Artes Escénicas y Musicales de Castilla – La Mancha; and on the 21st, at the Félix Petite Antzokia Theater in Vitoria, within the Haziaraba in the Mapping Festival.
Finally, in Catalonia, the company will offer, on November 13, its show Núvols amb nadons, at the Civic Center of Sarriá (Barcelona), within the Barcelona Districte Cultural program.