CIATRE is working together with other performing arts entities to deliver a series of proposals to the institutions with the aim of mitigating the effects of the health crisis in the cultural sector. These measures, which are being developed since the state of alarm began, are being transferred to the relevant administrations. With the effort and collaboration of everyone, both from the performing and musical arts and from public institutions, this unexpected, difficult and worrying situation can be faced.

In the links below you will find the proposals, at the state level, in which CIATRE has been working through FAETEDA, the organization to which the entity belongs:

– Proposals for the reopening of private spaces

– 52 extraordinary measures to face the consequences of COVID-19

Also on the FAETEDA website you can find information of interest to the sector:

– Summary of measures that directly affect the reopening of cultural spaces

– Summary of the main measures of “Real Decreto-Ley 17/2020” of Mai 5

– Summary of the specific measures for the live arts sector that are being taken at the local, regional, state and international levels to face the Covid-19 crisis

On the other hand, CIATRE has adhered to manifestos other cultural entities, such as the Cercle de Cultura that you can consult in this link.